Wednesday Check In – Clearly Not a Dairy Artist

Busy with holiday errands and commitments this week, especially since the children will be ‘on break’ soon. My office is still bare and unfinished but I’ve been fighting a cold and it’s winning so I’m not beating myself up about it. Check out the cheese for the first grade party tomorrow.


Finished Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. Enjoyable enough story but all the bird imagery got to be a bit much for me. Could just be my general distaste for birds. It had spectacular characters. Daisy Day is my favorite for obvious reasons, though Rosie’s mother comes in a close second. Started on Abigail Barnett’s The Boss. It’s super hot. We are caught up with Flash (though I feel like all the storyline stuff really gets in the way of important Barry and Iris make out time) and I can safely say I have no idea where they’re going with all this Cisco hates Barry shiz. The Bill Murray Christmas movie on Netflix is directed by Sofia Copolla, bleak af, and oddly charming.

Maximus the Destructor continues to drive us all nuts and my contracting book has dust on it.

My Eden revision (that’s my new paranormal vampire romance) is taking much longer than I’d hoped for a myriad of reasons, most of which are all excuses for not giving it enough time. Of course break for the kids means no rest for the mom so not much more progress is likely to happen until January.

Both my released books continue to get great reviews on Amazon. Book 1, Screw Up, is still at 99 cents through the holiday season πŸ˜€ Click here to sign up for my newsletter if you want insider info and offers.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday season. Stay warm and enjoy your time with your family. What are you reading?

Wednesday Check In – Moving Sux!

Getting settled into my new home office and still trying to determine where everything’s gonna go. The whole process is so time consuming. Should have my books unpacked soon which will be a novelty for me as most of them have been boxed up for months. I’ll try to get a pic at night soonhomeoffice so you can see the great paint color of my new office but this oddly white balanced one will have to do for now. The kids really like my homemade valance but I’m contemplating a redesign. It looks very college dorm room atm. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, just I’m 41.

Still reading Anasazi Boys and I will be reading The Boss next, since the ten-year-old managed to find my kindle. Hubs and I are almost caught up with The Flash. Iris and Barry are the cutest. We have also been watching some stand up on Netflix lately, trying to stave off winter madness. Michael Che’s was much funnier than I expected to be based solely off the SNL appearances I’ve seen. We watched John Mulaney’s Comeback Kid last night and it was really well paced. His timing is excellent and the Clinton bit was hysterical.

Maximus continues to be an extremely challenging dog. Hubs has taken to barricading our trash and recycling down with cinder blocks to keep him from tearing it all apart. Fingers crossed he doesn’t figure out some way around them. He’s only killed one yard animal this week (that we know of).

The six-year-old’d new favorite phrase is “don’t even ask”. Well, don’t even ask about my contracting class. The book is getting dusty!

Click here to sign up for my newsletter if you want insider info and offers.

My rough draft of Eden is done and I’ll be beginning revisions this afternoon. I’ve decided not to post an excerpt today, but I will be posting the whole story chapter by chapter here on the blog very soon! It is a vamp paranormal romance. The two MCs, Ardor and Ivan, are both so sexy and funny. It’s turning into quite the steamy read πŸ˜€

Hope you’re all staying warm. What are you reading?